Moving day checklist

Moving day is on the horizon, and with SOL Moves by your side, we’re here to make sure everything goes smoothly. This comprehensive moving day checklist covers everything from packing to utility services, ensuring you’ve got all bases covered for a stress-free move.

Moving Day Checklist with SOL Moves

1. Countdown to Moving Day

As the moving date approaches, make sure you’ve ticked off essential items on your moving house checklist. Begin by confirming the moving date with your chosen removal company.

Countdown Tip: Create a moving day countdown to stay organized and ensure nothing is overlooked.

2. Gather Essential Documents

Keep all your important documents, such as passports, IDs, and moving contracts, in a secure folder. This ensures easy access when needed and avoids any last-minute searching.

Document Ready: Have a designated folder for essential documents – you’ll thank yourself later.

3. Utility Companies on the Radar

Contact your utility suppliers to notify them of your move. Provide your moving date and new address to ensure a smooth transition in services.

Utility Alert: Give a heads-up to gas, electricity, water, and other utility companies about your upcoming move.

4. Gas and Electricity Meters – Don’t Forget!

Take meter readings for gas and electricity at your old and new homes. This step ensures accurate billing and avoids any issues with your utility providers.

Meter Reading Reminder: Snap a photo of the meters for an easy reference point during the move.

5. Redirection Services with Royal Mail

Avoid any mail mix-ups by using the Royal Mail redirection service. This service forwards your mail to your new address, ensuring you don’t miss any important correspondence.

Mail Redirect Tip: Set up mail redirection well in advance to catch any lingering mail from your old address.

6. Home Insurance Check

If you have home insurance, notify your provider of the upcoming move. Ensure your coverage transitions seamlessly to your new home.

Insurance Alert: Confirm with your home insurance provider that your coverage extends to your new address.

7. Preparing Surfaces for Special Cleaning

Certain surfaces in your old home may need special cleaning before you hand over the keys. Check your moving house checklist for any specific cleaning instructions.

Cleaning Prep: Plan for a thorough cleaning of surfaces that require special attention before leaving your old home.

8. Instructions Manuals and Warranties

Gather instruction manuals and warranties for appliances and fixtures. Keep them together for the new homeowners, or if you’re moving to another property, for yourself.

Manuals Organizer: Place all manuals and warranties in a labelled box in your new home for easy retrieval.

9. Friends and Family Assistance

Enlist the help of friends and family on moving day. Having an extra set of hands can make the process smoother and more enjoyable.

Moving Squad: Treat your helpers to a meal or refreshments as a token of appreciation for their assistance.

10. Start Packing Early

Begin packing well in advance of the moving day. Pack room by room and clearly label boxes to simplify the unpacking process.

Packing Strategy: Start with items you use less frequently and work your way to everyday essentials.

11. Removal Company Arrival Coordination

Coordinate with your chosen removal company to ensure they have all the necessary details. Confirm their arrival time and any specific instructions for moving day.

Removal Coordination: Provide the removal company with clear directions to both your old and new homes.

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12. Redirection Services for Friends and Family

If friends and family will be visiting you after the move, share your new address with them. This ensures they can easily find you without any hiccups.

Visitor Info: Send a group message with your new address and any additional details for a smooth meet-up.

13. Post-Move Utility Set-Up

Upon arrival at your new home, contact utility companies to set up services. Confirm that gas, electricity, water, and other essential utilities are ready to go.

Quick Set-Up: Make utility calls a priority to ensure you have a comfortable and functional home from day one.

14. Confirming Gas and Electricity Readings

Take new meter readings for gas and electricity in your new home. This establishes a baseline for billing and ensures accurate usage tracking.

Meter Confirmation: Double-check the meter readings at your new place to avoid any discrepancies in billing.

15. Unpack Essential Items First

When you start unpacking, prioritize essential items. Unpack the necessities first, such as toiletries, bedding, and kitchen essentials.

Essentials First: Label a box as “Essentials” and make sure it’s easily accessible for the first night in your new home.

16. Familiarize Yourself with a New Home

Take a tour of your new home to familiarize yourself with the layout. Locate fuse boxes, water shut-off valves, and other essential features.

Home Exploration: Spend some time getting to know your new home to make settling in more comfortable.

17. Notify Friends and Family of Safe Arrival

Once you’re settled in, let friends and family know you’ve arrived safely. A quick message or call provides peace of mind for loved ones.

Safe Arrival Message: Send a brief update to reassure friends and family that you’ve successfully completed your move.

18. Update Address for Subscriptions

If you have magazine subscriptions, update your address with the respective publishers. This ensures you continue to receive your favourite reads at your new home.

Subscription Alert: Check for any subscription services and update your address to avoid disruptions in delivery.

19. Double-Check Redirection Services

Confirm that the Royal Mail redirection service is in effect. This additional check ensures that any stray mail is caught and forwarded to your new address.

Mail Double-Check: Verify with Royal Mail that your mail redirection is active and functioning correctly.

20. Safety First – Emergency Exits and Services

Identify emergency exits and services in your new home. Familiarize yourself with the local emergency numbers and nearby medical facilities.

Emergency Awareness: Knowing the basics of local emergency services enhances your safety and peace of mind.

21. Post-Move Grocery Run

After the move, make a quick grocery run to stock up on essentials. Having some food and snacks on hand makes settling in more comfortable.

Quick Grocery Grab: Grab a few basics like milk, bread, and snacks to tide you over until you do a more extensive grocery shop.

22. Celebrate Your New Home

Take a moment to celebrate your new home. Whether it’s a quiet dinner with loved ones or a toast to your new chapter, acknowledge the accomplishment.

Home Celebration: Treat yourself to a special meal or beverage to mark the beginning of your journey in your new home.

23. Unwind and Relax

Moving is a big task, and you deserve some downtime. Take a break, unwind, and relax in your new surroundings.

Relaxation Tip: Set aside some time to simply enjoy your new space and reflect on the journey.

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24. Neighborhood Exploration

Explore your new neighborhood. Take a stroll, visit local shops, and introduce yourself to neighbours. It’s a fantastic way to start feeling at home.

Community Connection: Connecting with your new community fosters a sense of belonging and enriches your overall experience.

25. Thank Your Moving Team: Moving day checklist

Show gratitude to everyone who helped with your move – whether it’s friends, family, or the professional moving team. A simple thank-you goes a long way.

Gratitude Express: Send a thank-you message or note to express your appreciation for the support during your move.

In conclusion, with SOL Moves, your moving day is in good hands. This checklist ensures that every step, from the preparation stages to settling into your new home, is covered. Wishing you a smooth and joyful transition to your new chapter!

Sol Moves Office


5 Bracken Grove, Pevensey, BN24 5GE

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UK Warehouse

Unit 17 Stirlin Place, Willoughton Drive, Gainsborough, Lincs, DN21 1NF

Sol Moves Spain Warehouse

Spain Warehouse

Calle Galileo Galilei 13, Polígono, Cantarranas, Coin, Malaga 29100